Month: May 2023

How are pool skimmers essential for swimming pools?
Pool skimmers are essential for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of swimming pools. They are designed to remove debris, such as leaves, insects, and other unwanted materials, from the surface of the water before it has a chance to sink to the bottom. A swimming pool skimmer is typically installed on the side of the […]

Different tips and tricks for pool maintenance in the winter
Maintaining and cleaning your swimming pool on a regular basis will ensure that it remains clean, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing throughout the whole year. Your pool may not be used in winter but your pool pump, filter, heater as well as other pool equipment is functional which has to be watched. You don’t want the […]

Pool automation: Cost and benefits.
Pool automation gives you the ability to automate every aspect of your pool, from the pump and filter to the lights and even the maintenance of the chemicals. There are always options for automation, regardless of whether your pool is spanking new or a significant amount of time older. Keeping a pool in pristine condition […]

How do you get the most out of solar pool heating?
The term solar pool heating refers to a system that warms the water in your swimming pool by utilizing the sun’s rays as the primary source of heat. The process involves using a solar collector, which is usually mounted on a roof or on the ground near the pool, to capture the sun’s rays and […]

Why are pool inspections important?
Pool inspections are typically conducted by professional inspectors who are trained to identify potential safety hazards and maintenance issues in swimming pools. During a pool inspection, the inspector evaluates the condition of the swimming pool and its equipment, as well as the areas immediately surrounding the pool. The inspector will typically check the pool’s walls, […]